Like everything in our lives now days, the week leading up to Halloween was a little insane. I had 4 classes in 5 days. The older kids had two youth activities two nights in a row. Hubby had meeting. Only son and D5 had school activities. We also had a Birthday party, a Halloween party to prepare for, scouts, mid terms, a care package to put together and a bunch of other stuff that all blends in together. It was crazy. But the kids were excited and so was I. Thursday night came and we still had not done our pumpkins so when the older ones got home we started our Jack-o-Lanterns. It was late when we got done but everyone had a good time. D3 and Only Son took their turns with the knife and there wasn't even any bleeding or loss of limbs. (remember, D3 almost cut off her thumb a couple years back, cutting a plum with a butcher knife...don't ask!)
The house was decorated, the costumes were done, the candy was bought and the dinner was ready to go. We were excited and waiting for Halloween.
Halloween started early in the morning when only son woke up with a very sick stomach. By seven, we knew he wasn't going to make it to school. Big Bummer, he was so looking forward to it, I was to, as I am his room mother for the last time.
He also missed going to the grandparents for Trick or treating. He did feel well enough to go to the trunk or treat. In the past our rule has been if you don't trick or treat with mom you don't go. None of this friend stuff. I felt bad for him because he had missed so much of the days activities that when his friends asked him to go I relented. He didn't last long though before he was home and done.
D2 and D3 went to friends houses. D4 had her own party and hubby went home to chaperon. I took D5 and a friend through the neighborhood. It was a very different experience for me, as usually I have about 6 or 7 kids with us.
It was a fun night, but since hubby doesn't like Halloween and the kids are wanting to do their own things it makes me wonder... what am I going to do in a couple of years when no one wants to spend Halloween with me?
I hear ya - I love cleaning out/carving pumpkins so much that I made my hubby promise we would still do it when the kids are grown. :) I must have my pumpkin seeds!
almost every year we put off pumpkin carving till it is too late and we jsut end up letting the kids paint them instead. Not nearly as much fun. But this year we actually carved them and it was a ton of fun!
p.s. Is that I what I think it is sitting underneath those pumpkins??
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