Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas, The most wonderful day of the year.

Its over, It makes me kind of sad. Most people I know have put away their decorations, taken down the tree and put the gifts away. Not me. I have to admit, my house is still Christmas Chaos! I will clean up on New Years day. I do it every year. Unlike most people, I don't want any help. Its my way of putting things lovingly away and a chance to say good bye to my favorite time of the year.

Yesterday, while shopping, I bought a few new decorations (on an amazing sale) so I already have something to look forward to next year.

But before I get melodramatic, how about I share some of my favorite photos from this year?

Christmas Eve and everyone gets new Jammie bottoms...

... and a new book.

There were lots of surprises but no disappointments

Of course, by the end of the day, everyone was worn out.

Besides spending time with our family, the best part of Christmas was seeing and hearing from so many of our friends. We have so many people that bless our lives everyday. I was amazed at how many people remembered us this year. Thank you for your special gift of friendship and love.

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas too.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Parties and Programs

I though I was done but last week held more programs. D4 had an orchestra concert on Wednesday night. She is doing well with her violin.

D5 had a Sing-In at the school on Thursday afternoon. I have never seen so many people in the school gym--ever; and I have had kids attending there for over 15 years now.
(Can I tell you one of my HUGE pet peeves here? Parents who are so rude at concerts. They cat call, whistle and yell when their child is up but then when it is someone else's they talk loud, stand up in front of you, leave while others are performing, make inappropriate comments and are just downright ignorant! The good thing was my daughter performed last so by the time it was her turn, I was able to move to the front and listen!--sorry, I just had to get that off my chest!)

Anyway the sing in was lots of fun and the little kids are just so darn cute!

We also had parties this past week. I am the room mom in D5's class so we had a party on Wednesday. We played a fun dice game and did a little gift exchange with the "Wright family".

Wednesday was also Activity Days. The girls have worked so hard on all the different service projects we have been doing since October we just had a party and had fun. We also did a gift exchange but this time it was with homemade gifts. The girls worked hard and the gifts were very fun and thoughtful. (Have I mentioned that I have the best calling EVER!!!)

Sunday was the Stake Devotional. I love this and I am so glad our stake does it every year. The music was amazing and the talks perfect. It was what I needed to get my thoughts back to where they needed to be.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Waiting for Santa

10 days till Christmas, Did you get that? 10 DAYS. I will admit I am almost as bad as the kids, however they might drive me nuts before it gets here.

Last night we took them to shop for each other, then we wrapped presents and worked on neighborhood gifts.

10 Days! I still have so much to do! I have to remind myself to quit stressing and just enjoy it.

Yesterday it was just D2 and I at home. It was a fun afternoon. We watched Polar Express, ate lunch on my bed and just talked. It was a perfect afternoon.

10 Days.
Saturday was our Ward Christmas party and the kids got to sit on Santa's lap. D5 was soooo excited. Standing in line was one of the hardest things she had to do.
(she is at that age where she still wants to believe but she isn't sure. )

D3 had to sit on Santa's lap also. She asked for a young man (who shall remain nameless)--oh what is a mother to do?

10 Days! Today I am going to try and get some projects done and get ready for two parties tomorrow.

Enjoy your 10 days.

PS here is a fun little site for your kids (or you.) Write Santa a letter and he will write back. Plus lots of games and things to do.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas Performances

Last week was a week full of performances. Its a week I do enjoy but its a long week. And I forgot my Camera at almost all of them so I know I am going to be in trouble with a few children. (oh well, the story of my life.)

Monday, D4,Only Son and D5 participated in Winter Fest. (This is when all the schools in our area perform at the High School.)

Wednesday was the Pizzaz and Dance performance at the Jr. High.

Thursday D4 and Only Son had another performance at D5's School so I went to that. Then that evening D3 had an Improv productions that lasted 2 hours. Very Talented kids but I have to say, I got seatitis.

Saturday was our Ward Christmas party. Show Choir and Mads came and sang for us. After dinner Only Son, D5 and I participated in a little primary program.

Not to be left out, Sunday the youngest two sang in Sacrament Meeting.

I do enjoy watching my kids perform and develop new talents, but I have to be honest and say I hope we are done, for a few weeks anyway.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Family Home Evening-Christmas Style

This past Monday we held our annual "Christmas Planning FHE" The kids had a blast and we got so much accomplished. Here are just a few photos.

First we made our Candy Countdowns (for instructions click here.)

Then we did our handmade tags.

We listened to Christmas music while we got our Calendar scheduled (for now, I am sure it will change 20 times before all is said and done.) We finished the decorations, worked out our neighbor and friends gifts and enjoyed getting excited for the Holiday!

What a great night.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Another year older

Today is D2's nineteenth birthday. I know she was just here last week, I know she will be back with us in another week and a half. Today I just miss her.

D2 and I have had our battles. Everyone tells me of all my children she and I are the most alike. I don't see it. She is an incredibly smart and intelligent person. She is very strong, both mentally and physically. She is never afraid to try new things. She loves the outdoors and the cold doesn't bother her. She loves to explore new possibilities and she loves to be with people. She is independent and does her own thinking. She faces problems head on. And deep down she knows what is right and true and she is always trying to be the best person she can be.

Maybe there was a reason she was born in December. The one thing her and I have in common is our love for Christmas. She will listen to the Christmas music with me in October. We both love to look at the tree with all the lights.

So today, as I look at the lights on the tree I will think of her. I will think of the little girl who used to love wearing dresses and play dress up. I will think of all the times we read Harry Potter together (and waited at midnight for the release of a new book or movie.) Today I will think of the girl who liked to have her nails done and then go sit in a mud bog with her camouflage on.

Today I will miss her, and give thanks to my Heavenly Father for such a sweet daughter.

Happy Birthday sweetheart. I love you.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving week in Review. (lots of photoa)

Before I get growled at for not posting, again, I thought I would share our Thanksgiving week with you. We had a very nice Thanksgiving. In fact the whole week was wonderful.

D1 and M (her roomie and our new daughter) came home Friday before. It was fun to have D1 and D3 come to super Saturday with me.

Tuesday night, late, Hubby and I and K (D2's BFF) went to Logan and picked up D2. We love it when the girls are home (even if we don't have enough beds.)

Wed. M’s family came down and it was a lot of fun to meet them. (Her grandma is serving a mission in Salt Lake so they stayed downtown with her.)

Thursday we stayed home and enjoyed food, games, food, movies and more food. (I totally blew my diet this week!) That evening we went to Hubbie’s parents for more pie.

Friday of course we went Black Friday shopping. We left at 1 am! I took D1 and D2with me. K, M and her mom and sisters came with us. We had a blast, got everything we needed, had breakfast and was home and in bed by 7.

Friday afternoon we went to the movies. The girls, including M's family saw New Moon. (Totally Team Jacob!) Hubby and Only Son saw 2012. Later that night we met M’s family again and did the lights downtown and then hot chocolate and ice cream at a local Diner.

Saturday,was the Turkey Bowl for Hubby and Only Son. D4 and D5 and I watched for a while but it was too cold to stay.

We also attempted Family Photos on Saturday but the weather did not cooperate with us and we only got a very few before we headed home.
(sorry NO photos of that. I used my other camera and I haven't downloaded them yet.)

So then we came home,put up the tree, slept and ate more.

Sunday after church the girls went back to school and I went to bed. It was a great week, I love having my family home!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Has it really been that long?

No I haven't fallen off the face of the earth, I didn't loose my password and I am still alive.

I have taken lots of pictures thinking I would blog but it has just been so crazy and lots of things on my plate and mind.

So what have we been doing the last three weeks? Well here is just a short list.
Been to Logan and Back to pick up D2 twice. Had both girls home with roomies. Made 5 dresses and a suit for the Brockbank Musical. Helped with Hair and Make up for the Play. Attended the play(3 times! Made two Halloween costumes, did a trunk or treat and trick or treating. Carved pumpkins (from our back yard) and made carmeled apples. Went to 3 doctors appointments in 5 days. Worked on kits for a few different Super Saturdays. Did a classroom party, a teenager party and a field trip.

The truth is I haven't really done anymore or less than any other mother/wife/women out there does every single day. I will try to do better. I enjoy watching all of your blogs. Thanks for being patient with me.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Just One Reason...

...why I am so blessed.

I love yellow roses. I love all roses, in fact I love flowers of all kind but yellow roses are my favorite.

My sweet husband knows that I love these beautiful yellow roses so he buys me one often. Not because its my birthday or our anniversary but because he knows I enjoy them.

See I told you I am so blessed.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I don't know how it happens but every time there is a big dance at school, our bedroom somehow turns into a beauty salon. This past Saturday was no different.
I really can't complain. Its fun to watch the girls as they work on hair and make up and even help a little when they ask.
So here is what Saturday looked like at my house.

D3 putting on her war paint.

Fighting for mirror space.

All dressed and waiting to go. Where are the guys?

D3 and her date. Don't they look cute?

Friday, October 9, 2009

Birthdays and Homecoming

What a wild week this has been for D3.

It is Homecoming week for Cyprus and she has been busy and gone with a lot of activities:

There was decorating, Assemblies and of course the parade.
Tonight is the game (go Pirates!) and tomorrow is the Dance.

Yesterday she had an improve performance and it was also her 17th birthday.
One of her very good friends came over and filled her room with balloons and signs. She loved it.

I am so glad that D3 is part of our family. Sometimes it gets hard in a large family and the middle children seam to get lost. We are so Blessed to have this young women in our family. She is so full of life and always finds the bright side of things. She brings sunshine into our home on a daily basis.

We love you D3!